Phoenix Hamlets are independent organic edible parks and are operated by community “stakeholders”. They include herbs, shrubs, berries, nut trees, fruit trees, medicinal gardens, perennial vegetables and other programs depending on the "stakeholders" vision for their Hamlet. Hamlet "stakeholders" are responsible for maintaining a prosperous operation and in return for the hours committed, they benefit from receiving free organic food.
The Phoenix Voyage team is here to assist your community in creating a fabulous edible park for all to enjoy. We have package options for you to install a thriving organic edible landscape that suits your climate and community needs. The parks are all eco-friendly with picnic tables and spaces for fun events. To create a revenue for sustaining your community Hamlet, we have a variety of ideas that you can discuss with your team. We love to share ideas!
You can join the Phoenix Hamlet network by partnering on a grassroots level for FREE!
Become a stakeholder in your community! Included: Coaching, Hamlet checklist, joining the global network map & facebook group.
Jump start your community Hamlet or
sponsor a village in need of food. Included: Landscape design, list of edible vegetables/shrubs/trees for your area, bamboo furniture for the entire park, signage and educational material, one-on-one coaching, joining the global map & facebook group.
The success of a Hamlet depends upon its community members or otherwise known as "Stakeholders".
The Stakeholder of a Phoenix Hamlet is committed to its success by investing time from one or more of the following: Office Support *Business management *Planting activities *Organizing events *Maintenance *Artistic projects *Tour guide *Media team *Photographer *Video *Website * Transportation *Carpentry *Plant nursery care *Other skills
Stakeholder benefits:
The Stakeholder of a Phoenix Hamlet is committed to its success by investing time from one or more of the following: Office Support *Business management *Planting activities *Organizing events *Maintenance *Artistic projects *Tour guide *Media team *Photographer *Video *Website * Transportation *Carpentry *Plant nursery care *Other skills
Stakeholder benefits:
- Full access to harvest "fair share" of any food grown on the Hamlet
- Have vote in revenue projects
- Decision-making process
- Organize events (marriage, birthday, celebrations, school field trips, group events)
The Benefits of a Phoenix Hamlet