Remote Scalar Energy Healing Has Helped Many People Overcome:
Over 500,000 people Already Experiencing the Healing Powers of Scalar EnergyTom Paladino has developed a remote treatment process, using a scalar instrument, whereby he is able to administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. He calls this a pathogenic cleanse.
Scalar energy operates at the quantum level and is capable of disassembling all types of pathogens remotely; for instance, bacteria, virus, fungi, amoeba, parasites and protozoal infestations, thus eliminating the causative agent of disease. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether. Do you have a pathogenic infection such as herpes, hepatitis C, lyme disease? "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."
- Nikola Tesla |
Testimonial from Cameroon
Learn more about Scalar Energy Remote Healing
Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher that has developed scalar energy instruments that are capable of controlling and subsequently negating the molecular bonds of germs, such as, viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. This simple and painless process utilizes natural scalar light to break down the molecular bonds that hold together germs. As a result, the germ breaks apart and no longer poses a threat to human health.
Disclaimer: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific health claims for any products. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction of your health care practitioner